We're Starting a Personal Finance Revolution

Know Your Worth is built by an extremely small team of passionate individuals. We're entirely self-funded and have been working on this project since April 2024. We're dedicated to building a personal finance app for the next generation of users that helps them build new levels of wealth and financial freedom. Know Your Worth is an IceBlock LLC product.

Connor Daly, the founder of Know Your Worth

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you build wealth and financial freedom. We believe that what gets measured gets managed. We're building a personal finance app that helps you understand your finances and how they relate to that of others. Personal finance shoud not be obtuse or intimidating. It's a game that anyone should be equipped to play. We believe that by understanding your finances, you can make better decisions and build wealth over time.

  • Understand Your Finances
  • Learn How to Build Wealth
  • Have Fun Doing It

Core Team

Know Your Worth is built by these awesome individuals.

Connor Daly

Connor Daly


Twitter or X
Julia Dwyer

Julia Dwyer


Twitter or X

Join the future of personal finance

Get started with Know Your Worth today and take control of your finances